Monday, March 12, 2012

An abode for Fido

This is Rika:

This is the doghouse designed by Frank Lloyd Wright that's been making the news lately:

Which got me to thinking: what kind of doghouse would I design for Rika? The answer is that I wouldn't, because Rika - like most dogs in America I'd be willing to bet - has no need of a doghouse because she spends the majority of her time inside. Like 99.9% of her time. I know people with big dogs, and yards, but none of those big dogs would ever have the need for a doghouse, because when the weather gets bad they are inside with the family. I think that this cultural change - the way we treat our dogs - has made the doghouse obsolete. The dog that I and my sisters grew up with, a black and white "lassie" collie, had a dog house. My sister's big old Labra-Doodle does not.
Maybe it's time Michael Graves to design an indoor doggie bed for Target?

Image from Architizer - along with the story of Wright's "Canus Domus" here.

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