Friday, May 21, 2010

Hot sports figure of the week

Ladies and gentlemen:  I give you Kirk.
Sadly, he's taken.  But you can always dream!

(Also, props to Ed's mom Fran looking lovely in the background)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Shanghai-UK Seed Cathedral

I so wish I could see this in person!!  More great images and info here.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Overdue Swoopy 60's Architecture Goodness

I've been meaning to post about an exciting new archive on the web.  The University of Westminster has put up an online archive of all things Archigram, a most groovy 60's architecture/graphics/thought collective.  Archigram consisted of Warren Chalk, Peter Cook (no, not the douche architect that married Christy Brinkley, this would be the British architect), Dennis Crompton, David Greene, Ron Herron, and Michael Webb.
Between 1961 and 1974 the group produced numerous building projects, theoretical projects. and a magazine.  But what I was always most intrigued with when I first discovered them (and now) was their super groovy architectural graphics.

The whole archive can be found here.