Friday, June 15, 2012

Facade Friday!

We're back after being camping on the coast last week. And by "we" I mean me and my dog and this here blog.
In honor of my upcoming birthday, I will feature a facade by an architect (and his partner) that shares my special day with me.

Eames House. Image from 

The facade of the Eames house is like a Mondrian painting come to life. What I love is that the patterns and color look so painterly and have such lovely proportions, yet they are also informed by purpose. The black panel with the "x" is a structural braced frame, opaque areas and colored areas obscure views into spaces that need to be more private, or they hide where there is just wall and not space beyond.

I also really like the way the facade slips behind the preserved eucalyptus tree...

All four sides of the house have this similar theme of proportion and function.

Images from Wikimedia Commons
Happy Birthday Charles Eames!

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